I never ranted about using DEs in coverage, I ranted about how Freeman utilized them in coverage. More times that not when they were in coverage it was NOT disguised. It wasn't the baltimore ravens where there's 7 people at the LOS and it's hard to tell who is coming or who is dropping. Yes the first play i mentioned ended up being a good play, early in the first half. It took Norvell the first half to figure out freeman's D with the DEs in coverage and 3 down. He then exploited it in the second half, so did USC, so did UNC, so did OK state. Those were the offenses we faced that had a pulse.
Who the heck is everybody?
Everybody agrees that our use of DEs in coverage in and outside of our 3 down defense was smart and worked well? If so, i sure wish I had a shorter memory as a fan.