When commenting from the outside on the Joe Moore Award, I'm humble because I don't hear their criteria nor crosstalk, BUT it seems to me that we are being punished for auxiliary play (i.e. statistics that are not entirely the result of the five OLinemen.) For instance, almost all commentaries on the teams still in it are gushing about their low sack rates. After game two, almost no sacks are attributable to the 5 man line, but glaringly to either bad RB pick-ups or Drew holding the ball way too long. They also gush about consistency in rushing yards per game. We know all about the mixed bag that is here this season, and that the inconsistency almost never rests in the OLine itself, but rather the playcalling and the DC philosophy against us that day (Navy was the posterchild for this.) The only thing I'm sure of about the Joe Moore award is that there will be no anti-ND prejudice there --- three of the voters have big ND ties.