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  • That we even have to debate DEI admissions & hires over qualification admissions & hires is just mind boggling, isn't it?
    Keep bumping threads lol. Hope the move went well and the kids are adapting!
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    Reactions: ulukinatme
    Thanks. It's nice to be out of that shit hole in Middletown lol. We're in a nicer, new subdivision in Franklin now. Kids have been pretty happy, they have cousins two streets over, and it's a safe location too. Only downside is we're a bit further from 75, so getting to Cinci or Dayton is a bit further of a drive.
    Thanks for the reps, my friend! He seems like a genuinely good, humble kid. I always appreciate your kind words and great posts.
    Thanks for the Christmas icon! Hope you and the fam had a Merry Christmas. Also, when you've mastered the art of the RetroPi, let me know and I'll toss some money your way to clone one for me lol
    Thanks for the reps, my friend! As far as I know it's a 100% true story. I've certainly heard it a million times and Google pulls up a boatload of stories about it. I hope all's well with you and your family and that you have a Merry Christmas!
    Yeah, BGIF was a good one. I had a lot of private chats with him about a wide range of things. Like you, I always got a personal reply when repping him. Sad news and a real loss to our group.
    Thanks for the reps, sir. I've been friends with that guy's older brother since HS and he still kids me about that sparring match occasionally. It was a humbling experience to say the least.
    I really don't try to have any game what so ever, bud. I have a thought and work on it. I just try to lighten the mood at times.... I try to enlighten my own mood 100% of the time, to be honest.....
    I love you guys....
    Ha appreciate it. I bought tickets well in advance and I wasn’t gonna let my injury prevent me from making the trip
    Yeah I agree. It was like when the announcers lit up the cigars when Bama beat Tenn. It's a bit unprofessional even in their attempt to be fuunny. Coach O is golden and I really do like him. He loves his players, team, school, and state and one can't ask for more. And I am glad he seems to have a good sense of humor. I don't hate LSU but I do hate playing them. It is typically big boy football most years and a battle from start to finish. This year's game with the offense wasn't my style for sure.
    I think I may have struck a nerve. Apparently he doesn’t like kittens. What kind of monster gets offended by kittens? Bunch of animals. Lol
    Dude, apparently I have to sit on a dick. Bunch of f’n savages. Lmao. That Negged gif has me rolling. Can’t stop laughing.
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