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  • I sent an email last night to the contact address because the system wasn’t letting me log back in after I wiped my iPad browsing history (it was running slow) but I tried this morning and no problem so all is now good! Have a good weekend sir!
    I just posted in the Website Problems thread that a few minutes ago, I got a message saying "Sorry, you are not authorized to view this page. For assistance contact the site administrator." Here's the screenshot.
    Thank you, I will for sure do some looking into it and let you know if I can find anything.
    Don't see much of you around here anymore. Good to see you're still alive though! Hope everything is going well!
    Tickets look to be $150 at best. If I went (and not sure I want to yet), I'd want to leave very early (7am ish) and find a tailgate/bar before the game, then head home to Ohio after the game. Let me know what you think of that plan. I don't know anyone going, so tailgaiting might be iffy. There is an older guy going who I play basketball with. He's pretty cool but he's not an ND fan, just going with friends. He said they are tailgating so I could ask him more about it and if it'd be ok if we hung out there if you wanted. He's cool and easy to talk to but IDK his friends.
    Are you going to Stanford game? I might end up going, but I'd be going alone I think. Seeing if you'd happen to be going solo as well and interested in getting tickets so we don't have to sit with all strangers. I live just outside of Columbus so we could possibly drive together depending on where you are in OH. Like I said, not certain I'm going yet but I think I might end up going.
    Going to game in Indy? I'm thinking about it.
    I just love that NDSean guy. Everybody else can be a Debbie Downer, but he's right on top of it. It's awesome. That thread needs a kick in the pants.
    IDK if you got my "Airplane!" reference regarding Tony Rice. If not, that post looks snippy.
    "easy, it was located 4.71 seconds from the start line" As the Te'o flies? LOL!
    "I hand timed that at 4.71, not sure if it was electric tho " What the heck? How could you see the finish line goofball!
    Man with the braves pitching like this we are good but it is so up and down this year. Medlen has been freaking amazing.
    "smh NIBLICK"

    I read that dude's post, lol'd and rofl'd, and read it to my roommate...and then saw your post immediately after and lol'd again.

    elevenwarriors is a gold mine for the internet lulz
    Dude, your gif signature is outstanding! I have to watch it 3 or 4 times everytime I see it just to see Thunder Dan stare into the camera.
    Bro, your signature is creeping me out. I haven't read anything you've written over the past few days cause I can't keep Chuck on the page. Yuck. :puke:
    Thanks for the reps bro. Much appreciated.
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