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  • B
    So dude, which corner did Devin play?
    Yea...I don't get it...I mean I want kids who want to play...but this sh!t gets out of hand around here...
    Haha no prob. I live in Castleton, and saw that shirt at the TJ Maxx there and had to take a pic of it. Didnt know all hell would break loose trying to!
    I liked him because he had a certain dignity, and ability to connect at a genuine level that you don't often see!
    I love Danny. First met him in 1974. Blind as a bat. Linemen used to cheat by creeping up five yards, running their 40's for time. He would be at the finish line with a stop watch, marveling at how these guys improved over the off season! Danny had some troubles at UT that weren't his own doing. He is a much better coach now. Last I heard he had retired. Hope he makes one more go of it!
    As opposed to any other thread around here? LOL! I think someone was baiting Grey, but he didn't bite. At least that I know of. What you got?
    It didn't need to be an explosion. I just pointed out the first thing the man said to St Louie was f-u. So, I see that St Louie and TP were civilized, as was Rack 'Em. Guess I am just Gre-har the barbarian!! I have him blocked so I would have seen the explosion in full color anyway.
    ". . . Poor timing ol' chap. " I loved your 3, 2, 1! Hey! Wasn't there another brouhaha with St Louie and TP+la? I didn't get that whole thing. Then there was Rack 'Em. But there must have been a nuclear response to my post. If that is true, that is just not fair. Who else could behave like that and get away with it? Not you or me. Just makes that whole situation worse, sending signals that it will get erased! Ces't la vie!
    So, anything interesting on the threads in the last day or two?
    Well, I have my kids safe, now. And I am about to see what it will take to get me fixed up. Other than that not much. HOW YB?
    For me, things are getting better slowly but surely with the kids. I have identified some health issues, with them out of the way, I am hell on wheels. Starting to get in such good shape I am up to a six inch verticle jump, and look even better than ever in a thong!
    Glad to see you posting, hows that job going, tax-time!
    From Jason: TP just let me know that they found the perpetrator. It was a guy from IrishIllustrated and BlueandGold from Georgia and not a member of the IrishEnvy community.

    EDIT: Because it is an ongoing investigation, TP was unable to give me the IP address to see if the guy lurks around here, but they've spoken to him over the phone and are confident that they have the correct information.
    YOu would think that was funny in the Lo thread, you twat!
    you want a team in mock draft? Colts? check thread
    Don't you have to work? OMG ~ That is such a good picture of me. As you know my real name is Peter Griffins, and I do have severe but not debilitating mental problems; seriously, some of my kids turned me on to family guy , and I have come close to pissing my pants!
    "watched? for what? are you losing it man?" Abruptly, the phone line goes dead, followed by the distressful call of a quick busy signal . . . Lol. Lost it a long time ago dude. Just working on finding it and picking it back up!
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