dshans Sep 27, 2013 Yeah. I missed a chance at a sideways cheap shot (all in good humour, of course) but was glad that a worthy wise-*** picked up the ball I'd dropped.
Yeah. I missed a chance at a sideways cheap shot (all in good humour, of course) but was glad that a worthy wise-*** picked up the ball I'd dropped.
NDdomer2 Aug 22, 2013 you didn't know you could purchase the thought stealer in the vplaza? thanks for the reps!
NDWorld247 Aug 17, 2013 lol, you were polite about it. And I didn't say it was inaccurate, just unnecessary. No worries.
yankeeND Jul 7, 2013 Thanks for the reps! I couldn't be more blessed than given this amazing child I am most fortunate to call my daughter!
Thanks for the reps! I couldn't be more blessed than given this amazing child I am most fortunate to call my daughter!
peoriairish Jan 23, 2013 I know, right!? And to see it didn't get up in the voting section. It's a disservice to this site and to this country.
I know, right!? And to see it didn't get up in the voting section. It's a disservice to this site and to this country.
DomerInHappyValley Sep 23, 2012 Don't worry about it. Pretty petty move to ding you for that. Especially seeing as how he wanted to use a quote from me for the last year.
Don't worry about it. Pretty petty move to ding you for that. Especially seeing as how he wanted to use a quote from me for the last year.
B Bogtrotter07 Jul 30, 2012 Ooops, it's gone! That post you liked. I am the original of the KINGS OF NOTHING!
B Bogtrotter07 Jun 27, 2012 Noticed your comment to bige, that's why you say that prayer. It is for the strong. It isn't about begging someone else to do for you . . .
Noticed your comment to bige, that's why you say that prayer. It is for the strong. It isn't about begging someone else to do for you . . .
ChiRish Apr 27, 2012 Haha props man. For sure. It's crazy the differences we've seen already. As in life, it's all about the little things. And strength and nutrition aren't even little and look at the differences from the Weis era! Good catch though haha
Haha props man. For sure. It's crazy the differences we've seen already. As in life, it's all about the little things. And strength and nutrition aren't even little and look at the differences from the Weis era! Good catch though haha
B Bogtrotter07 Apr 13, 2012 You are welcome. I am a good judge of character (I say) even on line. You got it.