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  • B
    The feeling is mutual. From one random MF to another! Sláinte!
    Moose are seriously funny. Animals. No kidding. How ubee?
    You got that right! Not as much fun, but less a time consuming "waste." Go figure.
    Thanks bud. Tough way to lose one but you can't let that keep you from winning the rest. Run the table and you guys get in.
    Weren't you originally form there?? I thought you were... anyway... the margarita's there were a new experience... crazy strong without overpowering the tastes.

    I had my cake. and ate it too.
    Thanks guy. It was a big mixup thankfully.
    Thanks for the reps. I took your questions as sincere as opposed to some of the twits that have been posting in that thread. I tried to respond accordingly. It is frustrating.
    I know. I had an operator malfunction or wardrobe malfunction...a malfunction of some sorts. My mouse dropped and apparently clicked on the neg, without me knowing. Hell, I don't even neg rep people I don't like on I certainly don't want to neg rep a homie. I'll just have to give you some extra positive ones.

    Or I'll send ACamp over to give you a rub and a tug. He's always up for that.
    Look, WhenJohnnyComesMarchingHomeAgainBwahahahaha, I am something of an expert on obscure, arcane and unfathomable commentary, but "Bwauahahajajaha can you tell the dad's sode was from Mississippi? Hahahahaha" has me stumped.

    ¿Que es eso?
    I can't rep right now, but commenting on the one you just gave me. Lol, that would be hilarious.
    If only he would spend the time that he does being paranoid, arguing and plotting revenge working on his writing skills ...
    "Go down one just one wiener in your life, you'll always be a rooster blower."

    GOLD... lol
    Bambi was a major draw for my joining in these reindeer games. Along with some Killz karacter and the likes of NDOM, SoCal, et al. Twisted rulz!!! There are many others that I've seen fall by the wayside, but lack of attention (early onset Alzheimer's?) in my five years with IE, but I miss much of the seemingly capricious interplay.

    Ah, well. Life, be it physical or digital, goes on.
    The thin-skinned laddie boy claims that he's been dogged and defamed by many. Yet he's the one stalking visitor message files. What's up with that???

    I stopped "publicly" poking fun at him quite a while ago. I do appreciate others filling the void.

    Hell, I probably see a miniscule percentage of his posts since I no longer bother with recruiting threads. The melodrama and uncertainty isn't worth it to me.

    Rather than resort to PMs, I thought it might be more entertaining to stick to Visitor Messages to possibly further reveal his paranoid, pathetic, preadolescent patterns.

    I understand why Neutered went ballistic. I just wish he'd reduced the fire power a bit.
    Yep. GB is a pompous, self-important and ungracious ass. Moreover, he doesn't respond well to a bit of good natured ribbing.
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