Do you have a view on what the end game is?
This isn't from any good NCAA source but people "in the know" tend to think this is how things are trending:
-FBS Football will become a self-governed entity within D1 sports. It's possible that it will further split into Power 5 being a self-governed entity with a full on commissioner elected by the member institutions. It is possible -- but unlikely, unless things get way out of control -- that any legislation/reform will be passed before this point because they will have to do it all over again. The sticking point though is that if it DOES get out of control you may not be able to put the genie back in the bottle. So we'll see.
-This self-governance and playoff expansion are 3-5 years away.
-The legal cases that went against the NCAA accelerated NIL and immediate transfer eligibility, and may accelerate the self-governance. It also may slow down the playoff expansion until it's all sorted. But it won't go past 2025.
-The NCAA wanted to lobby Congress to pass laws that reform the way amateur sports are handled because everything was getting untenable and it was clear that they were going to lose in court. The NCAA is a garbage institution and was operating on borrowed time. Unfortunately, with the political chaos of the past few years, even with all of the money and influence that these schools have there is basically no traction on something getting done. They are busy with other stuff. So the NCAA lost their "easy out."
Once they get to self-governance...
-NIL (if it stays in its current form at all) is likely to become more restricted with an NIL clearinghouse for all NIL compensation. There would basically some form of arbitration/fairness doctrine stuff where if a player is selling signed cleats they need to be at "NFL market rate" not a million dollars a shoe. Same thing for the sham corporations Texas and Texas A&M are setting up.
-Nobody wants to see players as employees of the schools, they think that will kill the golden goose. They may try to thread the needle where eligibility is conditioned on signing an LOI that is more of a contract that entitles the player to more "benefits" while also being harder to break except for in certain windows of time // if mutually severed by both parties. I'm skeptical it will go this route.
-Another idea is to only have immediate eligibility for transfers who have completed at least two years at their first institution and in good standing. The idea would be that more emphasis needs to be put back on education and the changes of the past year have wholly undermined that.
-Finally, they want to put in restrictions on coaches. I've heard they may try to structure contact rules similar to the NFL and make it so that coaches cannot be hired until after the season. There are potential pros and cons to this. They also may make it so that you cannot hire a coach under contract with another school in the "self-governed" division unless that school agrees to it OR it is a promotion. I'm skeptical that this will happen, but there are a lot of people who think that the current situation is untenable especially when coupled with free transfers and NIL. And they're considering all options to reform it.
-Early signing day may be entirely eliminated OR they may move it all the way up to August. They feel that with the "free transfer" (or a provision to get out of LOI with a head coaching change if the free transfer goes away) that an August signing day has little downside. They do not think that the December signing day is working well.