Sherm Sticky
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  • Matuska is the type of player that could develop into a pretty solid lineman. He is probably not there yet but a year or two in the weight room and some good head to head against other players in practice and he could be one of those unsung heros that comes in the game to give one of the studs a much needed rest. May never get the credit he is due but still valuable nonetheless.
    I think he has all the potential to be great but it depends on him. Coming out of high school most of the major programs was wanting him. If he works hard he can play on Sundays. If not, he will be a huge disappointment. He seemed pretty sold on the Irish during his whole recruiting process so now that he is there he needs to get busy.
    Was kinda nice not having to put the waders on every day.
    So, what has been shaking for you lately? I have noticed a particular high quality to your posts lately! Not to mention whit; yours is full up bro, as opposed to some of those posters that only have half.
    Hell yeah much love my brotha.
    I can't put descriptions in on reps from my phone, but when he said Dope, I thought the same thing you did. "He brought the hard stuff!"
    Don't thank me for reps anymore! just kidding, to me it is one of those things you do and don't expect to be thanked for. But you are welcome. Your posts, along with a few others are the light of this site.
    Thanks for the reps and the info. No problemo!
    You remember that stupid Everett Golson is ineligible rumor? Started here, went viral, had Jason friggin' Sapp having to shoot the rumor down. SSuper embarrassing to the site. So when it comes to big news like that, if it's just a rumor, we'll let a bigger site START the rumor, and then we'll have at it.
    Thanks for the reps brother! Any effin' time!
    Yeah man, last night was a huge bounce back game. We need Parise, Kovy and Zajac to do their thing. Marty looked mighty fine last night as well.
    No I didn't try that proxy to override the work system. Too worried the CEO will stop by and only being here 4 months I got to stay on his good side.
    Yep-- that was right up our alley! And you pretty much knocked 'em all out in one single post!
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