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  • i had a question. i have been on this board for a while now and although i don't really talk much i do follow along, but anyways i never have been able to figure out how to start a thread. any info would be helpful. thanks
    Dear BGIF, I have just become a member in order to send you some stats that I compiled which might be interesting to the crew. I'm a 1962 grad [Sorin Hall] from Nick Buoniconti's class. What I did was to go to SCOUT and tabulate all the commitments as of 6/27/10 am. I did this because I think that once in a while you see things when put in context, and even a little "history". I feel that the stats indicate that Kelly is doing just fine recruiting and is "running" at a pace better than most all programs so far [except a couple of thug-like places]. The combination of quality and quantity seems excellent at this point. Anyway, I would like to attach my numbers [some of them anyway] for you to look at---you're the expert. But there is no "attachment" function like normal e-mails. If you'd like to look at these [admittedly crude] stats, could you tell me how to get them to you? Old Man Mike
    I really hope you're alright buddy.
    Hi BGIF, I was wondering if you could help?

    In regards to commitments coming into NCAA, is their a specific cut off date? if so when?

    Thanks in advance ;o)

    I was wondering if you know who started irishenvy.com? I'm a 17 year old kid applying to ND, and I'm creating my own domain name for a political forum I've ran for about a year. And since they obviously did quite the job in creating irishenvy.com, I'd like to contact the people who started this and see if they could help me out.

    sworry to bother you with something so petty but i was wondering why my avatar quit working it was there and all of a sudden it quit working thank you for your time and consideration
    Yep. And old age is a plague on the elderly.
    To knit the Nanette Fabray and Shelly Fabares plot line together there's this: In her biggest Broadway hits and her earliest films, she was credited under her birth name, Nanette Fabares. The pronunciation is the same -- Fabray -- but she changed the spelling after an embarrassing moment on Ed Sullivan's top-rated show, Toast of the Town, when Sullivan, reading a cue card on live coast-to-coast TV, introduced her as "Nanette Fa-bare-ass".
    I actually remember seeing and hearing her recount the story on some talk show, probably Merv Griffin. Another name these whelps won't recognize. They just might recognize the names Vanna White and Alex Trebek, but I ain't gonna hold my breath!
    I dig your posts man. Solid.
    Kênh du l?ch Hu? noi cung c?p thông tin v? du lich Hue, thông tin xe open tour ? Hu?, xe Hue Da Nang, du lich ba na
    j'ai beaucoup n'aiment pas écrire sur moi-même ou mon travail, et lorsqu'il est pressé pour le matériel autobiographique ne peut donner un aper?u chronologique strict qui contient, naturellement, pas de faits pertinents. Je suis né à San Francisco en 1916 et passe la plupart de mon enfance en Californie. Je me suis marié en 1940 à Stanley Edgar Hyman, critique et numismate, et nous vivons dans le Vermont, dans une communauté rurale tranquille avec de beaux paysages et confortablement loin de la vie citadine. Nos principales exportations sont les livres et les enfants, qui tous deux nous produisent en abondance. Les enfants sont Laurence, Joanne, Sarah et Barry: mes livres comprennent trois romans, La route qui traverse le mur, Hangsaman, Nid d'oiseau et une collection d'histoires courtes, de la Loterie. Life Among the Savages est un mémoire de mes enfants irrespectueux.
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