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  • B
    Thanks for the rep brotha! I'm just saying if not now when? No more next year talk, I want it now! AGREED!
    "It's good that you can keep that ego in check Bog, Haha!" Yes, just another thing at which I excell!
    That's right! 'Tis I, Mr. Humility! To a standing ovation . . .
    Haha, Deneb is if used in a slow to sped up sequence, the music for Jaws. Deneb...deneb..Deneb.deneb Deneb etc. idk I'm a dumb @ss! How ya been bro? No, you have one dumb @ss finger, I have several. That was pretty clever. Would like to hear that as a cheer over the stadium some day! Happy Fourth!
    Have a working relationship with him... good guy
    sportscrack is surprisingly reliable haha.
    "Good point! I don't know any other song about weirdos." Listen to country music much?
    "You must have Espn. I was thinking about that song as I was writing my post. Lol" No. it was my own psychotic premonition. Beside, what other song is there?
    I've been there once already....incredible job they did. Gonna sit down and eat this time and walk around some more to see it all.
    My attorney's office is right across St Clair frm the field. Talk about cool. And the stadium is so neat that they filmed scenes from a movie there, we were extras. Look for my kids and me in the crowd scenes!
    "spoken like a true Mud Hen" Hens Rule!
    Glad to have you as a bro, bro! By the way, just so you know how bad a taste you have, you got two of us black swamp folk and Johnny as friends. Whoah! You be needn the helps!
    Yeah JoJo's is great. My buddy lives near it so we go there occasionally...He's also by El Camino so those are fun nights ;) Some of the Ralphies around here have JoJos pizza so I go there a lot. So many unhealthy places around here lol
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