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  • C
    Yeah... I was not offended at all. Maybe you you took my posts differently than how I intended them. If I offended you, that was not my intention. I love math.
    merry christmas to you and your family, too. enjoy your posts and look forward to your insight in the coming year.
    "I just can not stand dirty hipster types who think if money is being made then it must be a bad thing. So im not sure what they guy was exactly talking about . . ." Just as along as you are sure what you and I am talking about! LMAO
    "thanks for the friend request brochacho....." No problemo! You are the man.
    Ain't no than brotha! It's just sometimes our fans act silly. You can't get mad with a 19 year old kid. Hell if your learning and win, I'll take that everytime!
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