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  • I took that shot with a 300 Weatherby Mag. I also love to go deer hunting. I was born in the Michiana area originally and go back periodically to hunt there as well. I do love to deer hunt down here though. In Texas, hog hunting is very popular now. That is a really good time, if you haven't been.
    I took that Cow in Southwest Texas on a private high game fence Ranch. They stock a lot of exotics there.
    My wife graduated in 2004. I was born and raised in Carlsbad. I graduated in 1999. I spent about 6 years away before coming back.
    Yup. Hell silver city! Lol. I was way off. Yeah St Pius is who I was talking about. Artesia is just up the road from us here in cbad. They are a town of turds. ��
    Family is good brotha.

    Carlsbad used to have a fantastic wrestling squad.

    Coach Owen retired and since we've been downhill, but we might be on our way back up with Coach Johns as AD here in Carlsbad.

    "x" is always legit: football and wrestling and baseball, right? 3A best I can remember.

    My junior or sophomore year in high school, the players up there got expelled and I think the coach fired for sharpening the football player helmets buckles...


    Do you recall?
    BTW: how'd the bro do in state? Which weight class?
    Kids are good. Addy turns 1 today. We're a very blessed family. The Lord takes good care of us.

    So grad school is brutal, eh? I agree.

    I had to level up due to my UG being a different background than the MBA I'm working on now.

    Good times. But it will pay-off someday somewhere.
    Thanks buddy. Hope you've been doing alright.
    It's a long story but basically I dropped him for McCluster and then immediately dealt McCluster for Mike Williams (TB).
    You make me proud bro.

    Be good.
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