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  • B
    "haha what on Earth is that?" That is "Network" an Academy Award film, with an Academy Award performance from back in my day, pretty good, huh?
    Everybody must be dissappointed that we didn't get a surprise committ every other day, and the weather is offa the fukkin wall! Barametric pressure is all over the place, worse than a full moon!
    Apparently we are not doing that thread anymore. Any idea who is removing our art? (posts)
    Same post, trying to make a couple points, those we lost hurt the least, and we is fine at corner. Actually, better than fine. Last year we had a safty (I like Robert Blanton) as our best corner.
    Thanks for the friendship offer. I'm so computer inadequate that I have no idea what it means on this site, but I'm honored regardless. Most of your friends are my favorites as well as IE contributors.
    That **** happens there bro! A friend of mine with a microbrewery has his ware on tap there. Good stuff! It's a deal!
    You on Dude. Shawn's, Distilery or Ralphie's?
    I'm in; and I will buy the first 27 rounds!
    Signoff "The Bog" = Never a good thing to be in the bog, the bog never loses or gives up its dead! Muhhaaa! Muuhhhaaaahaa!
    How's it goin? Good points lately!
    To get to Byrne Road, must work in Maumee or catch the Trail out.
    You live right by my ex-in laws, they live on Golfgate.
    Me, I grew up near Ottawa Park, where I met Ara when I was a kid, and moved out near Maumee. I live near SJA now. How far apart are we?
    Hey, we're not just friends, I think we are neighbors. NWO?
    Didn't mean to throw you under the bus. I didn't look at who the poster was before I responded. I would have had your back if I saw it was you.
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