Sophisticated scams target the elderly, vulnerable


#1 Vineyard Vines Fan
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Piece of shit parasites that prey on the elderly. Some scum of a human being just rung up my wife's grandpa for $7k through a scam. Convinced the poor guy to pay them through effing iTunes gift cards. So far that matter... Fuq those cumdrips working at Rite Aid that saw nothing wrong with selling an 80 year old man $7k of gift cards. Fuq...

If you have elderly folks you care about. Do yourself a favor and have a real conversation with them about scams, identity theft, etc. Make sure to tell them to never pay someone or give out any information to someone they don't know. Set up a plan for what they are supposed to do if someone contacts them about offers, insurance, tax refunds, etc.

There's a special place in hell for these sick bastards...