If you're hypothetically wary of being caught by the RIAA, there are several blacklists out there to not connect from certain IP addresses. You could also war-van it and find an unprotected wireless connection to download your stuff via someone else's modem. You could also just let your friends download stuff and have them share it with you. On TPB only connect to trackers that are confirmed (pink/green skulls). There are lots of ways to not get caught. The odds of you getting caught and litigated upon are so small it's almost not worth worrying about if you're smart about it. Also, if you do get caught, you typically just get a cease and desist letter from your ISP and that's not a huge deal.
I'm also hypothetically under the impression that the RIAA only tracks popular albums/movies. My friends have gotten cease and desist letters from downloading Collateral Damage (not worth it, haha) and The Pacific (the series). That's after probably 5-6 years of constantly downloading music/movies...
For the love of god, if you're a student, don't download music on your campus connection... especially at ND. You'll get Reslife'd and possibly expelled if you get caught. The RIAA has been targeting campuses in the last couple years like it's nobody's business. They shut down A&M and UT's IRC servers, which used to be amazing. I had a friend at ND that got reslife'd for using Limewire.
Lastly, try out
Directory listing for / -- I use it at work and it's amazing. Has nearly every song I look for by any artist, has albums, etc. all for free with no ads, etc. like pandora.
Oh, and usenet is awesome. If you can spend the money, I'd spring for that.