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  1. RDU Irish

    Biden Presidency

    Could be?
  2. RDU Irish


    No jail today for me. I'm sure I'll have an FBI agent assigned by dinner and probably full cavity search when I fly on Sunday. Principal did not have an opinion, said he has to see what the official policy is to respond on if the massive pride flag and woke slogan flags are appropriate for...
  3. RDU Irish


    I'm being cordial and have given them a full month to drag their heels in response. I told the principal I am taking pictures and doing so in a way that no students are involved. Hiding and denying from parents is a pretty big red flag before you even get into the inappropriateness of the...
  4. RDU Irish

    Biden Presidency

    Dems are all the kids that hate their parents for lying to them about everything from Santa Claus to the Tooth Fairy but not abusing their mom or cheating on their dad.
  5. RDU Irish

    Dockworkers Strike

    @Guydealership is a good follow for economic pulse.
  6. RDU Irish

    Presidential Election 2024

    On one hand - great time to ask for money. On the other hand - might not want to shine light on your facilitation of gimmigrants right now. And the MSNBC thing isn't even worth reporting - nobody on earth is surprised by this.
  7. RDU Irish


    That is my school district. Going in at 3:15 to take pictures of my 7th grade son's social studies room. Should be interesting to see if they changed anything.
  8. RDU Irish

    Dockworkers Strike

    Malthusian thinking with a heavy lean to nihilism. I don't doubt windmills and solar panels destroying our landscape can only support 500M people on Earth though. I understand your POV, I just have a more optimistic view on human ingenuity and resilience. Current carbon levels are quite low by...
  9. RDU Irish

    Dockworkers Strike

    You conveniently skipped over nuclear. Gas is powering survival and clean up - electric anything is short of useless in western NC right now. Developed countries all have birth rates below replacement levels. Advancement has had the unexpected benefit of crushing your people as locusts...
  10. RDU Irish

    Biden Presidency

    Which is why the response is so infuriating. Ukraine, illegals and a $400M dock to supply Palestine but only $750 in a few weeks for the hillbillies.
  11. RDU Irish

    Biden Presidency

    I would hope fixing roads and infrastructure would be the minimal expected demand placed upon government. Army Corps of Engineers should be all over this with a dashboard of infrastructure failures, prioritization of repairs and timelines. Instead - people are seeing they are best off relying on...
  12. RDU Irish

    Dockworkers Strike

    That would explain the higher margins on lower revenue. The few franchisees I have come across did not want for much, diamond gripped their McD assets and would probably sell their children before turning down a new location opportunity.
  13. RDU Irish

    Dockworkers Strike

    Most CEOs are in cahoots with the BOD who is really not beholden to anyone. Passive investment owns a vast majority of public companies and rubber stamps anything put to shareholder vote. Cronyism rules the board room creating some obscene payments for a lot of executives that are steering a...
  14. RDU Irish


    Bro - they aren't illegal! Fact check yo racist ass, bitch!
  15. RDU Irish


    Cut the judge's heat and take his car away.
  16. RDU Irish

    Dockworkers Strike

    There is a massive fallacy in your claim. Energy density has progressed humanity throughout history and non-nuclear "clean" energy runs in the opposite direction.
  17. RDU Irish

    Dockworkers Strike

    Corporations are supposed to earn higher profits year over year. Pointing to "record profits" as some sort of gotcha is always funny to me. If your mindset is one of pulling as much money out of your bosses pocket while doing as little work as possible - good luck bro. McDonalds had higher...
  18. RDU Irish

    Dockworkers Strike

    FIFY Aqueducts put water carriers out on the street. Wheels too. Don't get me started on fire.
  19. RDU Irish

    Presidential Election 2024

    Every single person's makeup last night looked like they were expecting a small town theatrical production with the audience 50 feet away. God only knows what those women really look like - might have needed a jackhammer to chip off their masks. JD's eyeliner was something else too.
  20. RDU Irish

    Dockworkers Strike

    Been a minute but my uncle's union would pretty much restrict overtime for use by those nearing retirement so they could pump up their top earning years heading into retirement. Those pensions plans are expensive AF for a reason. Tony Soprano protecting your platinum health plan and pension...