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  • B
    That's what I'm talkin' about!
    And by the way, how long does it take you to accept my friendship request?
    "Bogs!!!! Ol buddy ol pal. Great to have you back man. Tell us of your adventures away from internet world." Well, it was something. But I didn't find Kansas, as hard as I looked; there is no place like home. And not to make light, for reasons that don't relate to this site or our experiences, this has been the toughest few months of my life. But I have come out the other side. I have in fact, not shot anyone; including a couple people in particular, and I feel the better for it. What has been up with you?
    Ha, thanks man! Living on within a quote is fine with me. We should start a club, or a N/A club thread.... it would always be empty but awesome ha
    Dude, you nailed it! Sorry that your, and a couple of my posts got taken out with the bickering. But, at least it still remains as a quote. We should start a club, us of the N/A reps!
    Johnny said "I don't know how they held up!" I said:"Cause we gettin the love! Us wid da Irish Swagger!"
    How's the wild willy (jokes) standing up?
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