Walter White
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  • B
    Thanks for the reps! Good to hear from you!
    Thanks for the reps and the well wishes buddy! How have you been? Haven't seen much of you lately; what gives?
    If you visited my St. Baldrick's thread you know that I had my head shaved 4/11/13. Goodbye willienelsonshans. I have an personal, informal rule that my "winter beard" comes off once we have two consecutive 70 degree days here in MN, so I should be gandhishans by now. However, a neighbor (who I hadn't spoken to face-to-face since the annual glacier descended here in November) commented the other day that he loved the "Walter White" look I was rocking. It confirmed my first thought when I looked in the mirror post shearing. All I need do is reduce the facial hair to a goatee, pick up some Grecian Formula to darken it and hit the Good Will in search of an appropriate chapeau. The beard lives! (For the nonce.)
    Tennessee???? !!! I find their fans/alums tend to HATE Notre Dame... has that been your experience?
    "hehe, now what would the grammar police want with my little ole soul?"

    Grammar is simply a hobby for me. Collecting souls is my livelihood ...
    You only think that because you don't know me very well haha. But thank you for the good words. What, you going to be breaking bad?
    You are a great poster, and honorable person, friend.
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