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  • B
    Not looking for anything, or trying to get anything confirmed. It just clicked that the vets were back, and I wanted to rule out that it was significant, which you helped me do! Thanks, bud!
    That would be what? Five hours or so for him? Just wondering if it had something to do with the story, if something else was going on. Hope he comes out of this the better!
    Nothing like clarity! Was there anything to the fact that WM was home last weekend? I thought they were supposed to report to ND for classes prior to that date. Maybe I have vets vs. freshman mixed up. What was the report date for returning players?
    So was there anything to the fact that he was home this weekend in the first place?
    I repped you on the DD Q & A, but that was an awesome reference in Keith Arnolds blog wasn't it? CONGRATS!
    Hey, you could really do me a favor! You commented on a lack of Farley's speed. But I remember how he was the only thing that kept one more Pitt TD off the board last fall by bringing down that running back from behind. When you talk about, "Farley is making up for this lack of speed/athleticism with brains and knowledge of where to be and leading." Are you talking about him just not being elite; or, are you talking about him compared to Shumate or Hardy; or are you setting things up so Redfield can take over this fall?
    See? Keeping life on the down low.
    I saw your post on your facebook page. Just sent you a fan pic via e-mail.
    Sorry about the dynasty.

    Miss ya in there bud.
    Get your game in ASAP. We're advancing within the hour...
    Hey a few quick things...

    When can staff contact 2012 guys again?

    You go up to games or stay in town? If you are ever in town we do ND parties at our place. 110 in screen. Just for reference.

    Lastly how about a follow on twitter? Smick6009

    Hey TP! Guess there's been better days, just wanted to say I've got your back.... I believe you said what you believe based on your contacts, but things change. Don't let the bashers bother you. If not you, someone else would have been the focus, it's just the emotions of the day they are venting. Anyway, I appreciated your posts, kept things interesting.
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