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  • hey bro you back in the US now? hope you had a good semester in Ireland and got to see a good bit of Europe, happy christmas and all that!
    I saw them a few short weeks ago and let me just say they keep getting better and better.

    I'll have to check out those other bands, I've only heard of one of them. I've been slacking big time on my music since this semester has been so busy.
    dude i was wearing shorts and tshirt and went swimming in irish sea on sunday and it was amazing haha :D
    Bloody typical enough today alright! You guys in Glenomena Residences or whats the deal? Did you go the new Athletics Centre on campus yet? Heard its meant to be good!

    Oh check out the L+H and the Law Society events, they get good guests and have funny debates and stuff, can be a good laugh
    great stuff man yeah the MSU game was pretty funny alright, but i feel bad for the in-laws, they are just snakebitten by bad QB play since Cousins left. Was the exact same last year, Dantonio has no idea what he is doing on offense half the time, the Half back pass play was a head scratcher. They Dont know why he just doesn't pound the rock lol.

    Glad you are enjoying Dublin, did i see you were in Glendaloguh the other day? was there last saturday with my wife and her cousin and his wife who are over visiting from Georgia. Heading down west this weekend to show them galway and clare etc.

    Oh i saw on facebook that there is flag football on at UCD on friday night, check out the UCD American football facebook page for the details, some of your group might enjoy that.

    Gotta grab a pint sometime too man, we'll make it happen all the best and chat to you soon

    P.s. the rain is here lol
    I will definitely do that. What do you like to listen to though? So I know where to aim it haha

    If you haven't already, give great bands like The National, Arcade Fire, Iron & Wine, Alt-J, and Portugal. The man a try.
    Every time someone says they like a Beirut song, Jesus throws a party.
    go raibh míle maith agat. Not sure how to say "reps" in gaelic, but thanks. Tá fáilte romhat! You should say, "Póg ma thoin!" Just kidding! ~ Méadú ar do chlú, ach ní an oiread agus is tú ag dul! (An increase to your reputation, but not as much as you deserve!) And it is Irish, at least that is what they would call it in Ireland, (Gaelic could be Welsh, Cornish, Scottish, or Britton.)
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