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  • Yeah, I heard the power rangers were opening a training camp in east Japan. Some of the Domers we're gonna train with them this spring.
    Sorry for the teenage tying on the pervious post, but I had to shorten it because it was over 1,000 characters.
    Hey Rudy89, I've been off site 4 a while & I just read that ur family was going thru a tough time. Man, I am deeply sorry! My family has put you & your family on our prayer list and we'll pray 4 y'all constantly until God lifts u thru this trying time. I can tell u from experience that the people on this site will pray & be there for u. When I went thru a bad time, I came on here & asked for prayer & these guys not only prayed 4 me, but lifted my spirits with wonderful messages! We're truly a cyber family here on IE! I'll be here if u ever need me. IT WILL GET BETTER! The old saying, "God is good", that is like saying the Pacific Ocean is a pond! GOD IS AWESOME! After God blessed me with the ability to walk again, a wish that I've had 4 over 35 yrs was answered Sunday night! My family & I will WALK n2 ND stadium &watch my beloved Irish play Wake Forest next week! I promise u 2 things Rudy, God WILL bring u & ur family thru this; &I'll NOT stop praying 4 y'all until HE does!
    Prayers are with you and your family. Hope the good news is just the start of good news for you!
    It's time for me to go. If any man in the real world spoke to your wife, mother, or daughter the way he talked to me, they'd be angry. But since he's "calling me out" unlike he's ever talk to any male poster in this site, then it's ok. The fact that no one will stand up to him because he's a moderator, but can flood my PM box with msgs talking about what a douche they think he is, destroys any faith I had in believing there were good men out there still. I didn't feel the need to cuss him out in my responses, he doesn't like my opinion? Great. But don't cuss me out to prove you're a man. That's all.
    I hope it does to, brother. Go Irish. Beat Sparty.
    Rudy....Just read your message in one of the other threads about some personal problems. Sorry to hear this. Keep your chin up...and if you feel the need to spill or need a sounding board, we're always here for you. good luck, man!
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