Hey Rudy89, I've been off site 4 a while & I just read that ur family was going thru a tough time. Man, I am deeply sorry! My family has put you & your family on our prayer list and we'll pray 4 y'all constantly until God lifts u thru this trying time. I can tell u from experience that the people on this site will pray & be there for u. When I went thru a bad time, I came on here & asked for prayer & these guys not only prayed 4 me, but lifted my spirits with wonderful messages! We're truly a cyber family here on IE! I'll be here if u ever need me. IT WILL GET BETTER! The old saying, "God is good", that is like saying the Pacific Ocean is a pond! GOD IS AWESOME! After God blessed me with the ability to walk again, a wish that I've had 4 over 35 yrs was answered Sunday night! My family & I will WALK n2 ND stadium &watch my beloved Irish play Wake Forest next week! I promise u 2 things Rudy, God WILL bring u & ur family thru this; &I'll NOT stop praying 4 y'all until HE does!