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  • Dude they were freaking out when it was 6-0 blaming the d on Rees. Needed some level headed knowledge in there!
    If you haven't read their (whiskey and D4evr) discussion, I would recommend you go and read the whole thing, and hey at least I called him "sir", right?
    Sad for BC as they were a pretty respectable team when I was in college in the 80's. I guess the Red Sox and the Patriots success, along with the move to the ACC, doomed the BC football program. And nothing wrong for sticking up for your players. Any decent, respectable coach would.
    The talk I meant is "B.S. talk," if you haven't figured by now.
    gotta spread it around but that sh*t was funny and deserved acknowledgement. Also, thanks for your take on what happened in the Zimmerman thread. Appreicate you putting it out there. I don't want to come off like I'm trying to argue with you there, either. Just interesting to hear how people think it played down to the details. Thanks bro.
    Dude, keep up the great work. I hate the Patsies, but you are a solid poster. Keep dropping logic bombs
    "FIFY" = "Fixed it for you/" Buy unlimited reps. Go to vbPlaza - vbPlaza Main - Reputation Options - Last one, unlimited reputation. FIFY!
    "Thanks for the gift! "There is no reason to not follow your heart" - Steve Jobs" I agree, but once someone agrees to go to war, one needs to leave one's heart behind. Or, changing your heart when in the middle of a battle isn't a good policy. LOL!
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