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  • Thanks for the reps. Glad you liked the article. It's nice to see the good side of things in addition to the bad.
    Yeah and there are obviously issues with management refusing to cave on wage structure and whatnot. Arsene used to be able to fall back on his eye for talent, but with premier football clubs now spending tons on those players, we'll get outbid there anyways. The club makes a lot of money... spending some to retain players isn't terrible. I'm not all for caving to outlandish demands, but it was hard to swallow Fabregas and Nasri only to see RVP head out as well. Ugh, such is the life of AFC. Regardless, we'll get ours man. What goes around comes around. Sticking with the club through tough times makes the good times that much better. Much like we're seeing with ND brotha!
    Yeah what an epic match! I really hope Arsenal doesn't sell off Theo at the end of the year. Why is it that the Gunners can be so exciting yet so frustrating at the same time?
    I'm almost 100% sure Workaholics hasn't been cancelled. Me and my friends love watching that show when we get the chance. Although it's usually been DVR'd at a friend's house.
    For sure man. Love the Podolski signing, hope it keeps RVP on board! What's even sweeter now is Chelsea won and knocked Spurs out of UEFA. Sweet victory.
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