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  • Seriously, wtf is your problem? How does this comment "That wasn't the question. The question is how do you know of the quality of their undergrad classes? You didn't go to ND for undergrad and presumably never sat in on any classes. The law students at NDLS from ND probably aren't a representative sample of ND students." get a NEG rep? You're seriously like a child. This is the same damn thing that we've been through before and which you ignored last time. Either grow up or tell me what you're problem is.
    Thank you for your 2 point neg rep. Care you explain how I was trolling and/or how I had incorrect info? I said you were trolling with incorrect info and you said "back at you buddy" which can only mean that I trolled or had incorrect info. I would love to hear which it was.
    I feel you showed the typical hypocrisy of the left picture perfect there man... I can impose my rights on you and flame you all I want, and you must tolerate it... but don't you dare think you can do it to me.
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