Jason Pham
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  • Hard not to bang your head against the wall on these topics. No easy answer. Wonderful and sad world all at the same time!
    So apparently you are not even going to answer me? How can a moderator be allowed to abuse their power without repercussions, whatsoever? I do not get it.
    Jason, I was wondering if I could talk to you? I have a serious question that has been bothering me for some time, but I think you are the only one I can ask about it.
    Thanks Pham. I had a good run. I'm really surprised none of the previous mods figured it out.
    After all these years...

    I'm V Broke... now I'm reduced to begging...

    help an old friend out Jason???
    Thanks for the reps and not deleting my post ;)
    Good. Out of the classroom and now an Admin. for the college I was teaching at. My youngest has her second birthday in two weeks, going to Disneyland.

    That about sums up where I'm at.
    Good bubba. I came back as I heard one of the members was talking about me. But I may stick around and get back all my vbucks. Good to see you again.
    Jason, I have no horse in this race and hardly posted. I appreciate your cool hand and I really appreciate Ironman's handling of the situation. HE WAS AWESOME, not too heavy handed, but he showed his glove size. However, I am sure you realize that after a kluge like this, when the propaganda, I mean press, goes into high gear, smoothing things over, telling fans what they want to hear, upset is going to happen because of what has been pounded where. Thanks for all of us for the light handed reaction.
    Well of course.

    I have a vested interest in seeing this place thrive, even if I screw it up from time to time!

    Take care and Go Irish!
    Hello Jason. Could you please make me a MOD for the time being? I am a long time IE user dating back to '06. Been through everything on this board, through the thick and thin. Before I would visit this forum once or twice throughout the week in my college days when I had the time. Now I am 26 and have a job where I can frequent this board more than once a day.

    Now we have a season where MODs need to lay the hammer on certain individuals and trolls. I feel like after recruiting many fans and students to this site, I have a very good idea on what goes on at this forum. I hope you or someone else can make me a mod and we can help clean up IE and rid this place of the overflowing negative comments and useless threads.

    I want this forum to go back to what it used to be. Irish fans talking Irish football. No matter how biased or pathetic it may seem. But now it seems we have to defend ourselves for being fans, and swat away opposing trolls. Help me help you!
    Re: Rep...... That it is, Jason. Lovin' it!!!
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