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  • B
    Do you want to go? I have fifty yard line seats! Under the pressbox, half way (up) between the preferred and wheelchair sections.
    What, now you're not going to be my friend? Whachewwaitingfer?
    So, what the hell has been going on with you? Last time we spoke you were getting into a comfortable groove; still your usual perusual upstage self?
    How's your blood pressure? Any better. Glad to see you back. I can "here" you now.
    Just been distraught man. This team is making my blood pressure sky rocket. I still get on from time to time but it's just depressing. I'll be around more often here soon.
    hey dude, i found the picture somewhere on they have a very talented photoshop guy there, im sure if you poke around there you can find it!
    Hey... you guys had a stud quarterback my Sophomore year.

    I did indeed play at 'Bash... Graduated in '09... played a bit my freshman year, started the rest of the eay.
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