In Lou I Trust
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  • Your comment was a low effort, unimaginative troll post I predicted four months ago. I called you on it. You said I take it too seriously. Now you're negging me because I hurt your feewings.

    I-R-O-N-I-C S-N-O-W-F-L-A-K-E.
    Can you remove the post you put in the GZ thread, please? It has nothing to do with the case, and I can't see it as anything but a malignant gesture, incendiary in intent.
    My judgement wasn't marred... Your point was convenyed in an extremely poor fashion... At best
    What is so rich about avoiding a fight? Especially when what you are saying is being misinterpreted for cross-purposes? I don't get it.
    Thanks for the Reps! This team has the look..the Scott Howard Look!

    Sorry. I didn't intend to poach. I wasn't even an official proxy. I just found it hard to believe that Dr. Strangelove hadn't been picked yet. Peter Sellers at his finest. And Slim Pickens was priceless.
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