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  • Thanks for the reps - I honestly hope Vegas wins the cup soon. Love how they took the best players from the Habs and Sens. Let's go Knights!!
    I didn't start it. (Political Talk) But what Is It with some people that can't just talk about life? Politics Is Football now and has become as politicized as anything else there is.
    Please tell me one thing In life as an adult that isn't political? The old saying that you should never talk religion or politics at the dining room table Is OLD. It's why we are afraid of talking about life today.
    Going to be in Vegas for a Conference next week...if you felt like meeting a guy from the board for a beer.
    Conf at Bellagio all day, but I’m staying at Linq.
    Cell 312-371-1279
    Bump...but this time we're off strip, and I'll be gone most of Dunday...back in evening for bite / drink
    "Shopping" and heading home Monday.
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